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Developmental Diversity in a Dish

A virtual seminar series focusing on plutipotent stem cell models and functional variation across human iPSC lines. The monthly seminars are one Tuesday each month at 1PM (USA eastern time). We focus on talks from students and post docs in groups doing work on pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives across iPSC lines from multiple donors. We often have lengthy data-driven follow-up discussions.

Zoom link:

slack page for info and discssion is HERE.

Recordings of past talks are here.

email to get added to the email list and calendar invite.


Upcoming sessions

Session #11: Oct. 15th @ 4pm Eastern USA time (time change due to speaker being in Australia)

Dr. Drew Neavin (from Dr. Joseph Powell's group at the Garvan Institute in Australia)

"A village in a dish model system for population-scale hiPSC studies"

Session #12: Nov. 19th @ 3pm Eastern USA time (time change due to speaker being in Australia)

Dr. Anna Cuomo (from Dr. Joseph Powell's group at the Garvan Institute in Australia, previously in Dr. Oliver Stegle's group)

"Single-cell RNA-sequencing of differentiating iPS cells reveals dynamic genetic effects on gene expression"

Session #13: Dec. 17th @ 1pm Eastern USA time

Dr. Michael Wells (new faculty at UCLA, previously in Dr. Steven McCarroll's group)

Natural variation in gene expression and viral susceptibility revealed by neural progenitor cell villages

Session #14: Jan. 14th @ 1pm Eastern USA time

Dr. Marta Perez Alcantara (from Dr. Gosia Trynka's group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute)

Title TBA


As a way to connect more deeply with the data being presented in the series and discoveries in the field more broadly, we propose the NeMO Analytics platform as a way to explore together. We have already assembled extensive collections of multi-omic data focused on particular cell and developmental contexts - please explore:

human pluripotent stem cell systems

mammalian embryonic development

in vivo neocortical development

in vitro cerebral organoid models

Please reach out to Carlo ( if you'd like to add any additional data from your group or other public data you find to be central to our field.

Planning committee: Drs. Ronald McKay, Seungmae Seo, Suel-Kee Kim, and Carlo Colantuoni


Past talks

Session #10: Sept. 24th @ 1pm Eastern USA time

Dr. Saroja Somasundaram (from Dr. Jeremy Miller's group at the Allen Brain Institute)

Interindividual variation in human cortical cell type abundance and expression

Session #9: August 13, 2024 @ 1pm Eastern USA time

Dr. Timothy Arthur (from Dr. Kelley Frazer's group at UCSD): "The iPSC Omics REsource (iPSCORE): Insights into Multi-omic QTLs and Data Availability"

Session #8: July 23, 2024 @ 1pm Eastern USA time

Dr. Akanksha Jain (from Dr. Barbara Treutlein's group at ETH Zürich): "Morphodynamics of human early brain organoid development"


Dr. Fátima Sanchis-Calleja (from Dr. Kara McKinley's group at Harvard & Dr. Barbara Treutlein's group at ETH Zürich): "Decoding morphogen patterning of human neural organoids with a multiplexed single-cell transcriptomic screen

Session #7: June 11, 2024 @ 1pm Eastern USA time

Dr. Neal Amin (from Dr. Sergiu Pasca's lab at Stanford) "Generating human neural diversity with a multiplexed morphogen screen in organoids"

Session #6: May 14, 2024 @ 1pm Eastern USA time

Dr. Soraya Scuderi (from Dr. Flora Vaccarino's group at Yale University)

"Modelling Regional Specification in Brain Organoids Using a Novel Mesofluidic Device"


Dr. Hsiu-Chuan Lin (from Dr. Barbara Treutlein's group at ETH Zürich) "Human neuron subtype programming through combinatorial patterning with scRNA-seq readouts"

Session #5: April 9, 2024 @ 1PM Eastern US time

Dr. Adithi Sundaresh (From Dr. Helena Kilpinen's group at the University of Helsinki). "Characterization of cortical neurodevelopment in vitro using gene expression and morphology profiles from single cells"


Dr. Marcella Birtele (from Dr. Giorgia Quadrato's group at USC). "The autism-associated gene SYNGAP1 regulates human cortical neurogenesis"

Session #4: March 12, 2024 @ 1PM Eastern US time

Dr. Nicolo Caporale (from Dr. Giuseppe Testa's group at Human Technolpole & University of Milan). "Multiplexing cortical brain organoids for the longitudinal dissection of developmental traits at single cell resolution"


Dr. Carlo Colantuoni (Depts of Neurology and Neurosciecne, Johns Hopkins University, and Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland)

"Data systems to link in vitro pluripotent stem cell systems to early mammalian development". We looked at individual gene data from in vivo studies and in vitro systems In addition we explored lineage-specific gene signatures from the PCW3 human embryo in these same datasets in vivo and in vitro

Session #3: February 13, 2024 @ 1PM Eastern US time

Dr. Seungmae Seo (from Dr. Emily Mace's group at Columbia University)

"iPSC-based modeling of helicase deficiency reveals impaired cell proliferation and increased apoptosis after NK cell lineage commitment".


Dr. Nicola Micali (From Dr. Pasko Rakic's group at Yale University)

"The early origins of the cortical disorders modeled with human neural stem cells in vitro"

Session #2: January 9, 2024 @ 1PM Eastern US time

Dr. Taylor Bertucci (from Dr. Sally Temple's group at the Neural Stem Cell Institute)

"Improved Protocol for Reproducible Human Cortical Organoids Reveals Early Alterations in Metabolism with MAPT Mutations".


Dr. Suel-kee Kim (from Dr. Nenad Sestan's group at Yale University)

"Individual variation in the emergence of anterior-to-posterior neural identities from human pluripotent stem cells".

Session #1: December 12, 2023 @ 11AM Eastern US time:

Dr. Alexandre Jourdon (from Dr. Flora Vaccarino's group at Yale University)

"Modeling idiopathic autism in forebrain organoids reveals an imbalance of excitatory cortical neuron subtypes during early neurogenesis".


Dr. Noelia Anton Bolanos (from Dr. Paola Arlotta's group at Harvard University)

"Multi-donor human cortical Chimeroids reveal individual susceptibility to neurotoxic triggers". 

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